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Supporters & Board Members

The rebuilding of the club. It's not something we can do easily and we're going to need support and followers to have a chance.

You can support the club with just £3 a month and just keep up to date with latest news.

Join us a supporter or member, help us on our journey as we map out our way forward and put ourselves in FA Cup contention. 

If you're a local or based further away you can still be part of the club. Joining through our members only online platform, our board. Join in the club conversations, keep updated on the goings on, get the news before we publish it and crucially have your say and your vote for how we move forward and build the club. 


Click to be a supporter or on the board below, sign in to Patreon for free and choose your method to join. Any problems or questions just reach out to the club and we'll help where we can.




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